My Journey
It all started when I was just 13 years old when my father took me to see how he ran our family business – It was a photolab business. (In those days, you didn’t have DSLRs, you had to manually develop in the red room)
I began hanging out there all the time. This was my new safe haven as I hated going to school.
Soon, I managed to get the hang of everything from my father – from how to develop a photo to how to manage the whole business.
It was my first taste of entrepreneurship and management. And let me tell you, it was the sweetest!
As soon as I turned 18, my father let me manage the whole business with around 250 employees. But unfortunately, , the business had to shut down as digital photos became popular. After that, I did my Masters in Entrepreneurship at Nottingham University, UK.

Fast forward a few years, I found myself as the Dean of Student Activities at FLAME University at the ripe old age of 21! It was there that I developed a program called Elite Leadership Progam for the top 20 students of the University.
It turned out to become one of the best programs that the university became known for it. The same year, I also also got awarded as the best coach of the year.
My love for entrepreneurship & education got me into building an ecosystem dedicated for entrepreneurs – Midas School of Entrepreneurship. It became the crown jewel of my journey.
I’ve worked across many industries and businesses, becoming a serial entrepreneur who can adapt to any challenge that comes my way. And I’ve used my skills as a Personal Mastery coach and entrepreneur to create the Transcend program, the peak self-mastery program for entrepreneurs and leaders.
For me, personal mastery is not just a buzzword – it’s a way of life. It’s about being the best version of yourself, every day, and using that strength to achieve your dreams.